Monday 12 January 2009

Nathan is 2 months old!

Nathan just reached his next milestone - 2 month birthday on 11th January 2009.
In the last two months, Carol and I are full of joy. We thank God for Nathan. We thank God that Nathan is growing up well. He also took is 2-month immunisation today and took it well.
On 10th January 2009, we had a dinner with families and some family friends for Nathan's birth. It is usually a traditional celebration at 1-month birthday. We chose to do it for Nathan's 2-month birthday as it would have been better for both mum and baby.
I am a bit slow with my blogging due to the holidays. I hope to pick it up again. There are a few things I have in my mind to share with regular readers of my blog. It is not just about Nathan but also other things that have been happening.
I took the following picture on Nathan's 2-month birthday after his bath.

From Baby Nathan 朗研

Photo taken with Nikon D300 and 50mm f/1.8D Picture Control Neutral Saturation+1