Sunday 21 June 2009

20 Years After 4th June 1989

It is almost a month now after the 20th year commemoration of the student movemnt on 4th June 1989 in China. I have long had my view on that event in that the action of stopping the student movement becoming a country-wide riot was necessary but perhaps without the use of bullet on weapon-less students.

I read and heard quite a bit about the "wants" of democratic movements in Hong Kong. They all want one thing - the Chinese Government to admit to the mistake and apologise for it. There are also many Christians among those people.

I start reflecting on Christian's involvements in shouting those same slogans. Are those slogans and demonstration going to help?

The reality is that what is being demanded of the Chinese Government is not going to happen today, tomorrow or any time soon. It takes time.

Even in a democratic county like Australia, it took the government many many years to say "sorry" to the "stolen generation" issue. Australian Government separated a generation of Aboriginal children from their families in an attempt to "make" them Australian. Most people would think that a demoncratic government wouldn't have done that and would have admitted the wrongs very quickly - Not so.

I reflect further and think about Jesus saying "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (NIV John 8:7). I am not sure if any of the Christians shouting the slogans can "throw" that stone at the Chinese Government.

Christians, let's not blind our eyes and don't just follow the democratic movements onto the street and shout slogans. What Christians need to do instead is to pray for the Chinese Government to grow with maturity in becoming a more open and caring government for the Chinese people.