Thursday 11 December 2008

God's miracle on every one of us!

Today celebrates Nathan's first month milestone. As I reflect on the past month seeing Nathan coming to this world, one of my old thoughts about God re-surfaces - each one of us is a miracle from God.
We understand that a single cell divides into two, then four, then eight.... Different types of cells form different parts of the body. Eventually, a human body is formed - a baby. As time passes, each one of us grows up.
Perhaps, all we understand are just observations rather than what makes this possible.
Do we really understand why this happens? DNA is currently the answer but I still argue that we are still only making observations rather understanding how a single cell can become a human body which seems to have infinte complexity.
As I look at Nathan, I see him making funny faces and noises while he sleeps. He also moves his arms around at times when he sleeps. How's that possible? No one taught him that. How about the fact that Nathan (or any baby) automatically switches from getting supply of oxygen via the umbilical cord to via the lung right at the first breath!!
This is one of the interesting posts that Nathan makes:

From Baby Nathan 朗研

I cannot stop to be amazed by the imprints of God's design in each one of us by simply looking at Nathan.
If you are doubting whether the creator of the world exists, I encourage you to start exploring by just thinking about a miracle that has already happened to you - the design and growth of your very human body!
Photo taken with Nikon D300 (NCP Neutral with Saturation +1) and AF-S 18-200mm VR.

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